Is there an easier way to create your own ⦠I'm trying to create my own custom faction using ALiVE's ORBAT tool, and I've followed every tutorial I could find to the letter exporting the config into a txt file, turning the folder containing it into a PBO (using ALiVE's addon template) and dropping it into the Arma 3 folder. Arma 3 - Zeus Custom Music Through Workshop addon. civilian "CIV" 9 Ambient Life Animals like fish, rabbits and snakes. Developed by Arma community veterans, the easy to use modular mission framework provides everything that players and mission makers need to set up and run realistic military operations in almost any scenario up to Company level, ⦠The 501st Legion is a Starsim community, utilizing the Star Wars: Opposition mod for ArmA 3. Weâll be utilizing a tool called SteamCMD, which you can download here. Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator // Generated with Arma 3 version 182.144710 on Stable branch // Generated with ALiVE ⦠Trivia. So my guess is not yet, but it's only a guess. If there isn't then it is pretty much useless to me. sideFriendly "FRIENDLY" 5 Enemy Enemy side. Obfuscation and/or compression are disabled in the free versions, and some dozen additional tools (such as dep3d, moveFolder) are not in the free toolset. Install the free Arma 3 Tools application.