Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable.

Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the imitations of language. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is symbolic of the divine activity by which it is produced. Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. Hall, considered one of the greatest Freemasonic philosophers and an expert on the occult (in addition to being a Luciferian) said this with regard to symbolism in society: The symbolism used should not be understated. The video for her first hit single, Umbrella, was heavy in occult symbolism. Rihanna’s album Good Girl Gone Bad, chronicles just what the title states: Rihanna’s transformation from a good, morally inclined young girl, to a bad girl, who promotes sexual immorality, lust and violence. A protegé of Freemasonic and occultic rapper Jay-Z, she wasted no time declaring her influence in society was going to be negative.

With a unique voice, Caribbean influenced sound and overt sexuality, Rihanna has catapulted to the top of the music industry. Good Girl Gone Bad – Rihanna’s Entrance into Satanic Illuminati Entertainment As will be shown, whether an official member or not, Rihanna has been of the biggest stars pushing the Illuminati satanic agenda for years. The tweet, (which can be seen here) states: “F– YOU SATAN! F- RIGHT OFF!!” What makes this bizarre rant even more interesting is that Rihanna has been a promoter of satanic and occult ideas and imagery in her music and videos since the onset of her career. R&B superstar Rihanna, the self-proclaimed “Princess of the Illuminati” sent a bizarre tweet in which she cursed out Satan. Was Rihanna looking to get out of her deal?